Wednesday, 6 March 2013

50 facts about me.

1. I'm 18
2. I hate tomatoes
3. I love ketchup (weird I know)
4. I have a phobia of being sick
5. I don't like the underground
6. The sea petrifies me
7. I'm a massive animal lover
8. I can't wear odd socks
9. Robert Pattinson is my life
10. My laugh changes depending on what I'm laughing at!
11. Dominos pizza doesn't appeal to me
12. I don't understand a lot of things
13. I live in a teeny tiny village
14. I have 2 dogs
15. I have a boyfriend
16. I love cleaning
17. Public toilets disgust me
18. I'm quite shy
19. I pretend to be confident
20. My hair is blonde
21. I have an obsession with shoes
22. Topshop is my favourite shop
23. Primark doesn't do it for me
24. I have 2 sisters
25. My middle name is grace
26. Addicted to any Marc Jacobs perfume
27. Dior perfume also
28. I love horses
29. I wish I owned a horse
30. I'm quite a jealous person
31. Pretty people make me feel ugly
32. I'm very self conscious
33. I have straight teeth
34. I'm weird
35. I like to drink
36. Vodka in fact ;)
37. My hand writing is messy
38. I'm rubbish at maths
39. Benefit makeup is my life
40. Without fail, I go out with foundation and my eyebrows drawn on!
41. I always have a headache
42. I love crinkly mini cheddars
43. I prefer savoury to sweet
44. I don't find Ryan Gosling attractive
45. I could easily be a vegetarian
46. I want a golden retriever
47. My passion is to work with abused and abandoned animals
48. I dislike graham norton
49. I applied for university but didn't go
50. Best decision I ever made!

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